365 Challenge Day minus 28

Today, I feel as though I am starting to get into the flow of writing a daily journal. So, I said yesterday that I wanted to explore ways in which I could share this journey. I started by asking myself a series of questions.

  • Q1: What would people be interested in?
  • Q2: What aspects of the challenge would interesting or what aspects of the challenge would people be interested in?
  • Q3: What media platforms would people prefer?

Now, I know that I cannot possibly satisfy everyone, but these questions are important if I am to want people to follow and share my journey.

‘Maybe,’ I thought. ‘I should run a couple of polls on social media?’ This is clearly going to need more thought. A doodle session or two!

There are many things flooding my mind now as I start to think about what I need to do.

I reviewed the original word list that I made for the book: Lemon Meringue.

  1. anger
  2. bonds
  3. confession
  4. consultation
  5. delete
  6. expectation
  7. genetic
  8. jeopardy
  9. lamb
  10. quarantine
  11. refugee
  12. revenge
  13. stakeout
  14. ticket
  15. vegetarian

So, this could be the starting line. Will be interesting to see a complete list of 365!

Project hashtag: #365in2021




