365 Challenge Day minus 21

One of those days when you’ve been busy all day, but I do not feel that I have achieved anything

Work pressures consumed my time and I sit here at 22:25pm to write something; anything, but something.

My thoughts have now shifted to think about each individual daily theme. It would make sense to have a structure and a plan for each. My thinking is to to have some sort of content framework to help with the flow of each journal entry. This will be important on days like today, where my time simply evaporated into thin air.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. This is reality. Plans are only guides to provide the direction needed to achieve our goals. Plans will inevitably change for a number of reasons. In many cases, these are beyond our control or we realise that the plan was not going to work in the first place.

It is the process of planning that is important. The discipline instilled in us as we apply thought and logic to what we want to achieve.

Yesterday, I gave much thought about hashtags groupings, knowing full well that these are likely to change during the course of this challenge. The point here is that I start with a direction, a course that is in roughly the right way to go. I know it will change and I accept this to be the case.

Change is good and we all must embrace it with open arms. Change brings learning opportunities, adds value and adjusts our mindsets.

Many of us are consumed by too many distractions and do not even have a plan. There’s an old saying that used to appear on every team board in my old GM company, ‘failing to plan is planning to fail.’

It is incredible that this is as true today as it was back twenty or so years ago.

So, I will now focus on the detail for each theme day to make life a little easier and allow more attention to be applied to writing each short story on that day.

Yesterday, I started to think about my new Writers lab idea. I have created a new keynote file to start collecting the course material. I want to create my FREE 3-day short story writing challenge. As part of this exercise I looked at some apps; plot line and contour. I don’t know why, but I keep coming back to wanting to do this in a simple table using either excel or numbers.

Writers lab is being developed for people who are interesting in becoming short story writers. Through the labs I share various techniques I use for all aspects of crafting a short story. I plan to run occasional FREE 3-day writing challenges as a taster. This challenge will be designed to guide participants through the process of writing short story in 3-days.






